Monday, May 2, 2011


"Repeat your mission to me, Caleb." Mr. Guiest said sternly. Caleb straightened himself up."I must go to the past, retrieve the stone as soon as possible, and come back to the future without flaw." The old man nodded."Good. You may want to know a few things before you go." He made his way to some very ancient books."If you encounter any cold, wet thing, it is called water. Your clothes will also be changed so you won't arouse suspicion. Shirt and pants." He said. Caleb nodded to show he understood."Okay. Good luck Caleb." Mr. Guiest did a salute as Caleb entered the time machine. His stomach seemed to tie itself in knots. Hopefully he could do this right. The present world of technology that he lived in began to swirl away.