Monday, May 2, 2011

Chapter One

Sophie woke to the loud, annoying beep of her alarm. She swatted it with her hand and sat up. Bandit shifted quietly at the end of her bed. She quickly stroked his head and got out of bed. She did the usual. Got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed her teeth, and was soon at the bus stop next to Natalie."So how's your morning going?" She smiled while chewing gum."Same as usual. Nothing happens around here." Sophie muttered. Natalie shrugged."I think it's nice here. Not like that stinking New York." Sophie smiled at her friend's retort. Soon the bus pulled up, and the two took their place in the back of the bus.

"Besides," Natalie nudged her."We are two of the most popular girls in school." Sophie sighed."Sometimes I wish I wasn't. Guys on drugs and stuff that ask you out, people talking to you all the time, sometimes I feel like I can only talk to you and my mom. And she's not fun to talk to." Natalie laughed."It's okay. I'll be with you." Sophie smiled and gave her friend a friendly punch. She turned to the window and watched the autumn colors fly by."It's probably gonna snow soon." She said after a while. Natalie nodded in agreement. The bus slowly pulled up in front of the high school."Let's go."

Natalie dragged her out and led her into the school. They were immediately greeted with smiled and hello's. They both waved and headed to their lockers."See ya in 3rd period!" Sophie called to Natalie. She was soon standing in front of her locker and was putting things away and taking them out. Of course, she got a few nasty compliments from the delinquents passing by. She rolled her eyes and stormed to her first period. She sat down and pulled out a book to read. After the bell rang, Mrs. Leaver began her long, boring lecture on American History. Half the kids were asleep, and most of the others just weren't listening. After a while, some random guy stumbled in. He looked utterly confused. He slowly went to Mrs. Leaver and pointed to the empty seat next to Sophie.

She groaned as he came over, and he was eying the desk suspiciously."It's not gonna eat you." Sophie said with annoyance. His head snapped up to her, and he seemed frozen there. She had gotten that look before, but this one made her feel more uncomfortable than annoyed. He slowly sat in it, then looked pleased with himself. She turned away and opened her book. She couldn't focus though. The guy kept looking all around the room in wonder."Ever been to earth before?" Sophie said with more heavy sarcasm."Of course I have. And I've been beyond." He said with a smile."Great, astronaut boy." She said with a fake smile and waved her hands. He cocked his head in confusion.

The bell finally rang. Sophie grabbed her stuff and began heading to Mrs. Calton's class. After awhile, she realized that the guy was following her. She whipped around."Okay, who are you?" She said, trying to be nicer. She had been a little mean."I'm Caleb." He said with a smile."Good to meet you Caleb. I'm Sophie." Sophie said."But I would prefer you didn't follow me." Caleb shrugged."The lady just told me to follow someone else's schedule. She said she didn't want to make one." She sighed."Okay, follow me." She said and turned to the stairs. She realized that Caleb looked fascinated with the stairs."Seriously dude, you're freakin me out!" Sophie looked at him."How?" He cocked his head."You're staring at everything like you've never seen it before. Are you an alien or something?"

"No." He blinked. There was definitely something up, but she shrugged it off. We came into Mrs. Calton's room and she sat in her desk. Caleb spoke to the teacher, then he sat down about two desks away. She could tell me kept looking at her, especially when the other boys crowded around. As usual, she had to slap one or two of them."I honestly think I deserve better than this." She sighed to herself. Sophie really hated this school. She wanted something better in life, maybe adventure. But that never happened here. The bell rang and Mrs. Calton began going on about working in a fast-food restaurant.


"Repeat your mission to me, Caleb." Mr. Guiest said sternly. Caleb straightened himself up."I must go to the past, retrieve the stone as soon as possible, and come back to the future without flaw." The old man nodded."Good. You may want to know a few things before you go." He made his way to some very ancient books."If you encounter any cold, wet thing, it is called water. Your clothes will also be changed so you won't arouse suspicion. Shirt and pants." He said. Caleb nodded to show he understood."Okay. Good luck Caleb." Mr. Guiest did a salute as Caleb entered the time machine. His stomach seemed to tie itself in knots. Hopefully he could do this right. The present world of technology that he lived in began to swirl away.